Getting a head start on the journey to a fulfilling career!
As a recent news article states, the attitude toward hiring persons with developmental disabilities is slowly changing. Employers recognize that a diverse workforce can lead to lower staff turnover, lower absenteeism, higher morale, better safety and good productivity.
For just about anybody, seeking employment is a difficult journey. That’s why is it is important to start thinking about employment early. High schools offer career guidance and support for youth, but what about those youth who require additional support?
In this Vancouver Sun article, the provincial employment coordinator with Community Living BC, states: “We really believe that with the right job and with the right supports, anyone can have a job.” And as we here at posAbilities have recognized that good employment support must start early!
That’s where our Head Start Employment program comes in. This new program being offered by the posAbilities Employment Service is an innovative, fun and engaging spring break camp for youth between the ages of 14-18. Here, they can learn more about employment opportunities that await them after high school, and get started on their individual journeys to employment and a fulfilling career.
Families are encouraged to attend our Head Start information session on Tuesday, Feb. 11th from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at #307 – 3680 East Hastings Street, Vancouver. Youth have the option to attend one of two camp sessions that take place from March 17th – 21st and March 24th – 28th. Click here to find out more.
In the video below, Seema, our employment specialist, talks to Tara about her career journey, her job as an office assistant, the supports which are helpful to her and her goal for the future. Check it out!