The Believe. Empower. Inspire Awards recognize team members at posAbilities for their hard work and dedication. This year, Donald House received the Empower award and Gino Chittattu received the Inspire award – congratulations!
Donald House – Stage Door | Empower Award
Don had many notable achievements this year. He contributed to the successful completion of a grant application through the BC Self Advocacy Foundation. This grant was for a project focused on breaking down barriers for people with developmental disabilities. With Don’s leadership and direction, the team and the actors at Stage Door wrote, directed and edited two PSAs (Public Service Announcements) – check them out below! Through this experience actors had the opportunity to audition and be paid for their roles in the PSAs, which was an exciting and rewarding experience. Don also co‐developed and co‐facilitated an acting course as part of a pilot project in conjunction with BACI and Bonsor Recreational Centre. This course was offered to adults with developmental disabilities who had an interest in acting. Actors from Stage Door were also offered the opportunity to participate as mentors.
Driving creatively demonstrates the importance of “being the driver” in your own life (having a voice and making choices). | Name demonstrates the loss of identity that is associated with labels for people with disabilities. |
Gino Chittattu – Oxford House | Inspire Award
Gino has led many initiatives to involve the individuals living at Oxford House in the community. This year, the individuals sponsored a Girls Minor Softball team. Gino contacted the Softball Association and completed the application process. Oxford House residents regularly attend the games and practices, cheering the team on. They also carried the team banner with our posAbilities logo in the Port Coquitlam May Day Parade, which was a lot of fun!
Another initiative at Oxford House was joining the Port Coquitlam “Adopt a Block” program. Gino applied to the city and complete a safety exam. The Oxford Superheroes are now in charge of that block, and take pride in keeping it clean and beautiful. People in the neighbourhood are very thankful for their contribution, often stopping to thank them or even help out. This past October, the City of Port Coquitlam recognized their contribution by putting up a large sign proudly stating: “Street is Adopted by the Oxford Superheroes”.
The Oxford Superheroes also regularly work with the local food bank. This year, they hosted a block party. This fun evening included a BBQ and live music, and the proceeds (quite a large sum!) were donated to the food bank. Gino led his team and the Oxford Superheroes to get involved in their neighbourhood and create a vibrant community!
Oxford Superheroes getting set for the Terry Fox Run | The Oxford Superheroes with the girls softball team they are sponsoring |