
5 posAbilities Parties You Won’t Want to Miss this Summer!

Things are heating up this summer and we would like to invite you to five summer community parties! These community parties are a great way to get persons served,...

‘What Shall We Do Today?’ Activities Menu Serves Up Fun & Meaningful Experiences Across Our Programs

It’s noisy as we eat lunch at the restaurant in the Hard Rock Casino. We hear rings and bells from all directions, and there are no windows to let...

Happy Holidays from the People of posAbilities!

Season’s Greetings! As we approach the end of 2018, we reflect on the many years of offering service in a sector such as ours that is constantly and rapidly...

The Summer Interns of posAbilities

As Summer comes to an end, so does our summer internship. Our time at posAbilities has been more rewarding and fulfilling than we ever could have imagined. Together we...

We’re Feeling Social on Social Media – posAbilities Welcomes Instagram!

Contributed by Gabriela Torres  Hello all! We have some fabulous news…posAbilities has started to actively use Instagram! We’ve already posted tons of great photos and videos onto this social...

Social media channels enhanced communication and relationships

Online survey currently seeking feedback Lisa Bailey Through social media channels, posAbilities aims to enhance communications as well as the relationships that lie at the heart of the organization. ...

PosAbilities launches news program

Articles to highlight the power of relationships By Natalie Hamilton Gord envisions a host of new ‘posAbilities’ for sharing successes and solidifying relationships by harnessing the use of storytelling. The program director...

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