October is Community Inclusion Month – Celebrate with posAbilities!
We hope this update finds you well and enjoying the wonderful fall weather we are having across the province this week. It’s time to relax and grab a copy of our latest newsletter Imagine – where you can read about what the people of posAbilities have been up to! We have included a brief vaccination update as well.
Happening this week:
INCLUSION Art Show & Sale
Our 18th Annual INCLUSION Art Show & Sale features the work of 200 artists with diverse abilities, disabled people and those identifying as having a disability. Over 1,200 pieces will be for sale – paintings, pottery, photography, art cards, glasswork, jewelry and more. Here is the show preview!
Live Show – Thursday, October 6, 10:30am-7:30pm | Heritage Hall, 3102 Main St., Vancouver
- Admission by donation, fully accessible venue, ASL interpretation provided.
- Meet the artists, enjoy art demonstrations, live music and refreshments – including wine (after 5pm)
Online Show – October 6-13 | www.inclusionartshow.com
- If you can’t join us in-person, we welcome you to enjoy from the comfort of your home.
Vancouver International Film Festival

posAbilities is proud to be a VIFF Community Partner this year! We invite you to visit the festival and check out OKAY! (The ASD Band Film). This heartfelt documentary chronicles the enthusiastic experience of a group of autistic musicians, ASD Band, as they prepare to record their first album of original songs and play their first live show. You can buy your tickets here and get $5 off the Regular Adult 19+ ticket price for this film with our promo code: VIFFPOSABILITIES22
Screenings – Wednesday, October 5 at 6:00pm & Saturday, October 8 at 1:00pm at Cineplex Odeon International Village (88 W Pender Street, 3rd floor, Vancouver).
Other films we recommend – Most have Q&A with actors/directors to follow! Check out the links for full details:
8 Stories About My Hearing Loss (Discount $5 off VIFF Adult tickets: VIFFHEARSTORIES22) A beautiful, highly personal film processing and celebrating the experiences of those with hearing loss.
Lay Down Your Heart – Featuring the story of artist Niall McNeil, a multi-talented artist in theatre and various other mediums, who happens to be a person living with Down Syndrome.
When Time Got Louder – Drawing from her own experiences growing up with a sibling with ASD, Connie Cocchia creates a clear-eyed depiction of autism’s impacts on an individual and their family.
October is also Disability Employment Awareness Month
Check out this short video and hear how Natanya and Ranvir Found Their Dream Jobs! Produced by posAbilities Employment Services.
Advocon – BC’s Inclusive Education Conference
October 20-23, 2022 – Online Advocon2022 – BCEdAccess
BCEdAccess is proud to present its 8th annual education advocacy conference! Join them online Thursday, October 20 to Sunday, October 23 for workshops, panels, and presentations for parents, guardians, educators, self-advocates, and supporters of students with disabilities and complex learners. ASL interpretation and CART captioning for all sessions.
COVID-19 & Other Pandemic Program Updates
Is wearing a face mask still optional at posAbilities?
Yes, persons served, employees and visitors are not required to wear a face mask while at their programs. However, a mask is mandatory if:
- a program is taking extra precautions due to exposure to COVID-19;
- the individuals supported are particularly vulnerable to illness from COVID-19.
Face masks are recommended in indoor group settings, when participating in a crowded event, and while using public transit.
- Is it mandatory to get a COVID-19 booster vaccination?
No, it is currently not mandated. However, we have not stopped experiencing exposures in our programs, which lead us into taking additional precautions. We will continue to follow public health advice, which is currently to recommend getting your COVID-19 booster vaccination when invited to do so. For more information about the Fall or other vaccination programs, please visit: Getting a Vaccine (bccdc.ca)
- Is Monkey Pox a threat to vulnerable populations, including persons with disabilities?
Monkeypox is a disease caused by the monkeypox virus. It spreads through close, personal, often skin-to-skin contact. B.C. is working closely with federal and provincial partners to stop the spread of monkeypox. Local public health is reaching out to known contacts of cases who may be at risk of developing monkeypox. Vaccination is available to close contacts and those at the highest risk of infection. For more information, please visit the BC Centre for Disease Control here.
We are grateful for the effort that individuals and families have taken to keep themselves and others healthy and safe. We continue to monitor pandemic conditions and public health recommendations closely. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your liaison at posAbilities for more information, or contact me directly.