Hello everyone,
This week, our Pandemic Response Committee update includes:
- Politics delays additional federal benefit for persons with disabilities
- posAbilities’ weekly health check
- Unique edition of posAbilities’ quarterly newsletter Imagine is now available online
- Summer fun (within limits!)
We will close this report with some useful links to help you stay informed as we move towards our new normal in the coming weeks. Before we get to those details, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the tensions that the measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 have stirred in communities across the world.
On Being #DifferentTogether – Next Steps
Today we reaffirm our commitment to promoting equity and the inclusion of cultural and personal differences. June is the month that we traditionally gather to celebrate LGBTQ Pride, Indigenous Heritage, and Father’s Day. We know that it isn’t enough to take a pledge to do better – we must also take actions and do better. We can’t be silent on inclusion if we hope to win the battle to end racism and discrimination in all of its forms.
At posAbilities, our vision of “Good and full lives, for everyone” depends on this. We invite you to explore the education and resources offered by MOSAIC settlement services and the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we can create diverse, healthy and inclusive communities wherever we live and work.
Federal Government Disability Support Payments Delayed by Politics
Since the pandemic began, there has been a non-partisan spirit on Parliament Hill, which allowed the Liberal minority government led by Prime Minister Trudeau to pass emergency legislation during the COVID-19 pandemic. On June 5, a one-time, tax-free payment of up to $600 for Canadians with disabilities was announced. The benefit was packaged with other measures, and was expected to be passed in the House of Commons this week. However, that did not happen. The other party leaders are asking that the Prime Minister re-open parliament, so that proposed bills can be reviewed, debated and amended or defeated, as per the usual process. Stay tuned, as this benefit may still come into effect.
posAbilities COVID-19 Health Check – Still at Zero!
First off, our thanks to each of you for your efforts to stay safe. We continue to be healthy and strong in all of our service streams, and have no incidences of COVID-19 to report.
Imagine – the COVID-19 Edition
We encourage you to read this issue for inspiring stories of hope and belonging, coping and thriving during these uncertain times. Check out the beautiful photos we have captured across our services! Our community and sector have come together, rising to the challenges of managing the biggest health crisis of the century. Download your issue here!
Summer Fun – Within Limits! Check out our blog this week to learn about some outdoor and online opportunities for summer fun.
Helpful Resources:
- Community Living BC COVID-19 Weekly Updates for Individuals and Families are here
- BC website lists COVID-19 Supports for People with Disabilities of all ages
- Government of Canada list of COVID-19 Temporary Programs and Supports
In closing, a quick update about our Community Inclusion and Outreach Services. Our funder has asked that all COVID-19 compliant plans for all services be received by the end of June. We will be ready to submit our plans for all regions, and look forward to resuming adapted services as soon as possible upon their completed review. We will keep you posted on the particulars of each program, as soon as they become available. If you have any questions, please contact a Team Manager, or call (604) 299-4001 or email info@posAbilities.ca
Until next time,
Fernando Coelho, CEO