Theatre troupe presents original comedy starting May 21
Natalie Hamilton
A honeymoon-bound couple takes a wrong turn in a humorous direction in the Stage Door Theatre Troupe’s upcoming production of Tiki Island.
When travellers searching for a resort paradise find themselves stranded on Tiki Island, they wonder if they are in a theme park or the midst of a wild tribe of head hunters.
Writer/Director Donald House is looking forward to watching the players perform with the energy and enthusiasm that makes this production come to life.
“One of the best things about this crew is they bring so much love into it,” Donald says.
“They just love comedy and watching them is a lot of fun.”
The ensemble cast has been rehearsing for the past few months. The sharing of ideas and brainstorming sessions began in January, with Stage Door players introducing potential plots and characters. “It’s all original material,” Donald notes.
Donald helped block out the road-map and they began using the framework as a starting point. It’s been tweaked and refined since, as the story has evolved based on actors lending their talents and input.
“We have to be very adaptable based on the abilities of folks,” Donald adds. “We’ve developed tricks to support each other.”
Donald likes to consider them “invisible tricks” that help actors remember their cues.
Stage Door’s aim is to demonstrate the incredibly-unique gifts and commitment of its talented artists.
As the cast of 10 is performing under the lights, there’s also a crew behind the scenes helping build sets, props and working backstage. Donald, a posAbilities senior support worker, also lends a hand backstage and there are three assistants helping with costumes, props and sets.
Tiki Island runs May 21, 22, 23 and May, 28, 29 and 30. The venue is in the basement of Heritage Hall, at 3102 Main St. in Vancouver.
Tickets are $10 and available at the door before each show.
Call 604-872-1252 for additional ticket information.
Learn more about the Stage Door Theatre Troupe by checking out its website.
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