A Special Message from our CEO
Season’s Greetings!
As we approach the end of 2018, we reflect on the many years of offering service in a sector such as ours that is constantly and rapidly evolving. We have made progress over the years in designing and innovating new services and supports that are both visionary yet realistic – all, while delivering quality supports and raising our profile and prominence in the communities we serve. There is still plenty to be achieved in posAbilities’ evolution towards a future where good lives and full lives for everyone becomes a reality. Each and every one of our team members has the experience, skills, passion and commitment to contribute towards building that future. Our next strategic plan will support and guide us along that journey and we look forward to sharing it with all of you in 2019. We anticipate many more successes and achievements in the years to come.
We want to thank each one of you for choosing to be a part of the posAbilities family. We appreciate your commitment and dedication, which have been integral to our success. In this holiday season, we wish you and your families joy, warm memories, good health and a new year filled with happiness and peace.
Best of the season,
Fernando Coelho
Chief Executive Officer
“Turquoise Splendor” by Selkirk Centre
Selkirk Centre for Community Engagement (posAbilities) is a place where people gather to create art and connect with the community. Each artist has a unique way of expressing their creativity and the team loves seeing this come to life! Artists have showcased their work at several events, and recently won this holiday design contest at the Inclusion Art Show.
Not only is Selkirk a place for talented artists of all abilities, but is a space that works to make the community stronger through involvement in various partnerships and initiatives. Joining forces with the Salvation Army, Meals on Wheels and other businesses through events like “Scarecrows a Plenty,” the team helps provide nutritional food to students, seniors and other local residents in need. A big shout out to Selkirk, we look forward to seeing more of your fantastic creations in the future
A Holiday Tradition: Program Christmas Parties Far and Wide!
With nearly 40 programs across Metro Vancouver, spreading holiday cheer this far and wide may see like a challenge. But here at posAbilities, we take pride in reaching out and connecting with all of our wonderful team members and persons served during this season. Over the years, many of our programs have contributed to a very special December tradition. Fernando even is known to do a little Christmas party hoppin’ through our programs. He believes that attending festivities such as these is important to continue providing a wide range of support to the individuals who are a part of our organization. Check out how we’re celebrating the season on our Facebook page!
With that, posAbilities would like to leave you with a little gift to reflect back on the amazing year we’ve had…It’s our annual holiday video!