posAbilities brings art component to fourth annual event
Michelle Strutzenberger

The Vancouver hosts of the International Disability Film Festival continue to add to the event, seeking new ways to actualize their vision to create a more inclusive community through the arts. This year’s Sept. 12 event included a new feature – music by local artist Lazare Halk, who has a visual impairment.

An art gallery has been part of the event for the last two years. The gallery was introduced as another way to celebrate, engage and raise awareness of the gifts of local residents who have a disability. PosAbilities is one several organizations partnering to provide this component of the event.

One of the art pieces displayed at this year's International Disability Film Festival in Vancouver.

One of the art pieces displayed at this year’s International Disability Film Festival in Vancouver.

“As an organization we’re always looking for opportunities to host events that foster inclusion and also raise awareness and provide accessibility for people with disabilities,” says Nicole Allen of the Open Door Group, which has been hosting the film festival for four years in Vancouver.

“We believe that people can succeed in all they do and that people are able to succeed further when they are included in their community.”

Based in Calgary, the International Disability Film Festival was launched in 2001 as both a competitive and exhibition festival. The festival features films that are about disability and/or films on any subject that were produced, directed and/or written by people with disabilities.

This year’s event included several award-winning short films from around the world, including Spain and the U.K.

 “Our hope is that this festival will one day become a multi-venue multi-day event that has become a regular staple on Vancouver’s cultural calendar,” says Nicole.

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