Contributed by: posAbilities Employment Service
Employer of the Month London Drugs Welcomes Sundip!
When one of posAbilities’ Employment Specialists approached the Manager of London Drugs about employing an individual with diverse abilities he was pretty open to the idea. “I’ll be honest, before I say yes to employing anyone I would like to meet them to get an idea if it could be a good fit,” he said, “and in actual fact it has worked out really well.”
In the beginning there was only one issue; Sundip did not have access to any form of transportation to get to work at 5am in the morning as the job situation demanded. The Manager came up with his own initiative. “I have been thinking about starting an evening stocking crew and Sundip could be the first to join this “experiment”. The Manager was also willing to commit to an early afternoon shift for Sundip so that transportation would not become an issue at all.
The Manager now says that the best part about having Sundip on the team is his attitude. “Sundip is reliable and an absolute joy to have around.”
Sundip says, “I have no complaints, it’s awesome and my boss is great. I genuinely enjoy working with people. Since I started there I feel really positive and hope to expand my options in the future.”
The Manager believes many employers fear that employing someone who has diverse abilities could be a risk, when in fact the opposite is true. “I am keen to hire more people with disabilities as I believe that everybody deserves a chance. The experience has been so positive and there are many benefits.”