Triple P-Positive Parenting Program coming to Lower Mainland
Natalie Hamilton
PosAbilities is investing in a training program with the ultimate goal of empowering parents and caregivers so they can effectively resolve behaviour challenges that surface while raising children.
The association, which helps people who have a developmental disability lead meaningful and healthy lives, is bringing the Triple-P Positive Parenting Program (Triple P®) to the Lower Mainland.
PosAbilities, which offers behaviour consultation services, is training 20 of its consultants across the Lower Mainland. The five-day training program begins Feb. 21.
Triple P is described as a scientifically-proven family support strategy for parents and caregivers of children and youth. Developed by professor Matt Sanders and colleagues from The University of Queensland in Australia, the program aims to give parents the resources to address common social, emotional and behavioural problems.
PosAbilities consultants will receive training in Stepping Stones Triple P, an intervention program to help parents of children with disabilities.
PosAbilities team leader Jennifer Oliver is gearing up for the launch of the training program and its anticipated benefits for consultants, families and people served.
“This program is branching across the world,” Jennifer says.
“It has a lot of excitement behind it because it has been shown to be so effective.
“It’s very timely and exciting that it’s coming to Vancouver and other Lower Mainland communities and I’m looking forward to seeing the results.”
Most of posAbilities’ consultants have training in positive behaviour supports but not specifically through Triple P. The education will help build consistency and since it’s evidence-based, posAbilities can track the results.
“Parents will see their knowledge base increased as well,” Jennifer adds. “That’s our priority focus is the one-to-one service.”
Consultants currently work with caregivers on an individual basis to help equip them with the resources to handle parenting issues as they arise. Since they can’t be in the home all of the time, the goal is to “empower parents so they feel they have the skills and tools to identify and change the behaviours themselves,” Jennifer explains.
PosAbilities will also be holding workshops for caregivers in the coming months and hopes to be able to offer them in communities around the province over the next two years. “We want to make it accessible for families.”
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