Contributed by Alicia Neptune, Communications Specialist
As we come to the end of 2019, and the end of the decade, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on the past year. We’ve faced new challenges, celebrated our successes, and embraced opportunities to create more inclusive communities.
The year was full of notable moments. Our Inclusion Art Show celebrated its 15th anniversary, Stage Door’s ‘Skit-tageous Outrageous’ left audiences in stitches, and the Buddy Club began hosting weekly drop-in events as part of a brand new, more inclusive format. We also unveiled our new strategic plan, which outlines our 10-year vision of “Good and Full Lives” for everyone.
Thank you for following along with us as we’ve shared stories from our team members and persons served. We can’t wait to share more of our journey with you as we enter 2020 and continue to work toward our goal of good and full lives for all.
Without further ado, here are our top 10 stories of 2019, as rated by our readers.
1. Top 12 Accessible Hikes in BC
If you or someone you know faces barriers to physical mobility, exploring the great outdoors may feel like a challenge. But going on a wilderness adventure doesn’t have to be so intimidating! BC is known for its lush forests, diverse wildlife, vibrant landscapes, and prime west coast hiking trails. Many of these trails were created with accessibility in mind.
2. Unlock These Cheap Spring Break Activities with Your Access 2 Card
Since 2004, the Access 2 program has been opening up new adventures and experiences for persons with disabilities across Canada. This program is specially designed to relieve some of the financial burdens that persons served may struggle with when partaking in various activities.
3. Celebrating Autism Awareness Month with Laurel Metro Vancouver: Meet Minette, Gian and Gio!
Minette Julian has lived in Vancouver since 2005. For many years, she lived apart from her two sons who lived in the Philippines with their grandparents where they had more family to spend time with. While the two boys were in the Philippines, healthcare professionals diagnosed Gio with autism.
4. Four Moms Making a Difference
They fed us, bathed us, dressed us, cheered us on every step of the way, and played a role in shaping the person we are today. Everyone’s relationship with their mom is unique. This Mother’s Day, we’re sharing the stories of a few inspiring moms who are making big strides for diversity and inclusion in our communities.
5. What’s Up with Meraki?
The Meraki team has been busy creating a catalog of potential Meraki boxes and sharing it with our persons served and support workers. Find out more about the project and what the team has learned along the way.
6. Spring Into Action with Our Set of Person-Centred Spring Workshops
We’ve partnered with Vancity, BACI and FamilyWORKs to bring you four new person-centered workshop events in venues across Burnaby. We welcome our persons served, families and caregivers to learn a variety of hands-on skills to help empower you to be engaged and in control of your successful future!
7. 5 posAbilities Parties You Won’t Want to Miss This Summer
These community parties are a great way to get persons served, community members, and team members engaged in exciting activities together. Through collaboration they are able to strengthen relationships with one another.
8. 10 Accessible Holiday Activities to Get You in the Festive Mood
The holiday season is one of joy and togetherness. If you’re looking for something festive to do with the whole family, we’ve got you covered. Check out our top 10 must-do accessible winter activities in the Greater Vancouver and surrounding area.
9. ‘What Shall We Do Today?’ Activities Menu Serves Up Fun & Meaningful Experiences Across Our Programs
Mike Arshinoff recently moved into the role of ‘Activities Facilitator’ at posAbilities. His mission? To bring more activities to the individuals we support through our programs.
10. Feeling the PRIDE and Celebrating Our True Colours
Inclusion involves bringing together diverse forces and seeing strength in our differences. Similarly, this is a message that exudes out of the powerful LGBTQ+ Pride movement. As we celebrate Pride, let’s keep accessibility in mind through all the festivities and further the mission of inclusion for all.