In a recent article from the Vancouver Sun, Don Cayo explains, “Severely disabled adults are, with far too few exceptions, poor. And everyone knows that poor people who scrape by on government assistance or minimum wage can never expect to accumulate any assets — money in the bank, or property — that other British Columbians can aspire to and often attain. Unless … unless family and friends help them set money aside in a special fund — a Registered Disability Savings Plan, or RDSP…”.

Cayo goes on to explain how disabled British Columbians can get a big financial boost from a RDSP, but most don’t. Why? There is a lack of knowledge and the hoops people have to go through to apply are complex. You can read more of his article here.

To assist individuals through this process, posAbilities, the Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion and the Simon Fraser Society for Community Living are hosting a series of workshops about the Equal Futures RDSP Program. It’s designed to help eligible individuals or their family members learn about, qualify and apply for a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) – easily, efficiently and for FREE! This program is provided by Ability Tax and Trust Advisors and supported by Vancity. If you qualify, then the advisors can help you enroll and you can relax until it’s time to sign the papers to start your plan. And it’s true, you don’t need to have your own money to get it going and you can enroll up to 59 years of age.

The next workshop is happening on Monday, November 30th from 6:30-8:30pm in Burnaby. Curious? Please call or RSVP to Monique Nelson or (604) 299-4001 ext. 270. Stay tuned for more details about our Spring workshop series.