RSN at Granville Island

Getting Started

posAbilities offers a wide range of government funded support services for persons who have developmental disabilities. Knowing what services are available, who to contact, and how to begin services can be quite a journey. Tour our programs and services pages and contact us if you need more information about the service, or how to request government funding.

There are three paths to choose from:

Government Funded – Children, ages 0-18 years
Government Funded – Adults, age 19+
Fee for Service – Various

Government Funded – Children, ages 0-18 years

posAbilities-Laurel Behaviour Support Services is funded directly by the government to serve children who have an autism spectrum disorder or other developmental disabilities that qualify for support.

To start the process, seek a referral for Behaviour Consultation from a Social Worker with the Ministry of Children and Family Development – Children and Youth with Special Needs (CYSN) team. You may request this service in addition to any other government funding that may be allocated to your child (e.g., Autism Unit Funding, At Home services, or respite).

If you do not have a Social Worker, you can request one by checking this online database or calling Enquiry BC and asking for the CYSN office closest to you:

Vancouver: 604-660-2421

Victoria: 250-387-6121

Elsewhere in BC: 1-800-663-7867

Outside BC: 604-660-2421

E-mail address:

If you already have funding for your child through the Autism Funding Unit, we can help you direct it to posAbilities to pay for services.

Please note that there are no additional charges to families for our government funded services. posAbilities is a not-for-profit service provider.

Government Funded – Adults, age 19+

Funding for adults with developmental disabilities, Autism and/or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, is provided by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, and administered through Community Living BC (CLBC). CLBC Facilitators work with individuals and families to help identify, plan and organize the services they request to address a person’s disability related support needs. The services that we offer include: Behaviour Consultation, Community Inclusion, Employment, Explore and Home Living.

If an individual or family chooses one or more services offered by posAbilities, we can begin as soon as we receive a referral(s) from CLBC.

Please note that CLBC maintains a request for service list (waitlist), and makes decisions which referrals to issue based on the person’s eligibility, the urgency of the need, and their current operating budget. Working with a Facilitator throughout the process of transitioning from youth to adulthood is highly recommended.

Visit Community Living BC’s website for more information, including how to contact a Facilitator at one of their regional offices:

You may also call Enquiry BC to be connected to any provincial ministry or government agency:

Victoria: 250-387-6121

Vancouver: 604-660-2421

Elsewhere in BC: 1-800-663-7867

Outside BC: 604-660-2421

E-mail address:

There is no charge to individuals or families for our government funded services.

Fee for Service - Various

posAbilities also offers privately funded services. Typically, this would include individuals who need additional support, who may not qualify for government funded services, or those who do not wish to wait for a government referral.

Services most frequently requested include:

  • Community Connecting Service
  • Explore – Journey Facilitation Service
  • posAbilities Employment Service
  • Laurel Behaviour Support Services – Children/Youth funded through the Autism Funding Unit, or services to adults

If you do not see a service on this list that you require, please contact us for more information.

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