
‘’When you start the game, they don’t yell, “Work ball.” They say, “Play ball.””….Willie ‘Pops’ Stargell of the Pittsburgh Pirates.

What screams summer more than sitting out enjoying the sunshine, eating a pretzel matched with a cool drink all while watching a baseball game?

That’s not one, but two candidates who posAbilities Employment Service assists to work at Nat Bailey Stadium in Vancouver. The new employees are working for the amazingly inclusive employer that is Aramark, who is also one of our Employer’s of the Month! Aramark operates and employs the staff for all the concession stands that serve the Vancouver Canadians fans. Aramark serves up amazing food such as pretzels, fresh popcorn, sushi or even 3-foot-long hotdogs, among other tasty treats and beverages!

Aramark has been supportive and open from day one when we first approached them. They arranged tailored interviews and have been amazingly supportive with getting their new employees established and settled into their new jobs! Both Bryan and Nic are two great young guys and have been busy chatting and getting to know their new work colleagues all while keeping those concession stands fully stocked!

Support the Vancouver Canadians as they finish up their season until early September with a variety of day and evening games! To purchase tickets, please click here.