Contributed by: Joanne Chong and Cheryl Kwan, Special Projects Workers
Summer has officially arrived, the hot weather has kicked in and our Employment Service team is excited for a summer filled with fun and knowledge. Here are some upcoming events and updates from the team!
Head Start Employment Summer Break Camp 2015 (Only a few spots remain!) – Head Start Employment Summer Break Camp is an innovative, fun and engaging camp for youth between the ages of 14-18 who would like to learn about employment opportunities that await them after high school. Through a variety of engaging exercises, youth will explore and learn about: why we work; their dream job; communication and teamwork skills; workplace safety and behaviour; and how to prepare for an interview! This is a fantastic opportunity for individuals to gain insights on employment and prepare for the next chapter in their lives.
Only a few spots remain in our July and August camp sessions so check out this poster for more information and contact Foye at (604) 291-1902 or to register!
Diversify Your Workforce! – Take the first step in creating an inclusive work environment this summer! In our globalized economy, diversification is required for a sustainable business. posAbilities Employment Service invites you to attend a FREE Diverse Ability Info Session where we establish a constructive dialogue and learning where people can: become aware of diverse abilities; explore how diverse hiring practices increase an employer’s bottom line; and explore their own thinking and knowledge around disabilities.
Dispel myths and stereotypes, and make a smart call this summer. For more information, contact Melissa at (604) 291-1902 or
2015 MACAI Accessibility Award Winners – Each year, the Municipal Advisory Committee for Accessibility Issues presents accessibility awards to individuals, businesses and organizations that have improved accessibility for people with disabilities in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. As a part of the Life After School Transition (LAST) Committee, we were proud to receive the Accessibility award in the category of employment/volunteer at Pitt Meadows City Hall on June 17th!
Car Free Day – With an array of fun costumes, our team had the pleasure of joining the celebrations of the 11th Annual Car Free Day on Main Street on June 21st! Car Free Day encourages communities to nurture and grow car-free spaces by reclaiming traffic areas to organize arts and cultural festivals. This year, we hosted an employment-themed photo booth at the event where people dressed up in costumes when asked, “what do you want to be when you grow up?”. Not only did they have a chance to play dress up, but the sun and costumes triggered conversations about dream jobs, diverse abilities and diversifying the workforce. We had a great day engaging with the local community and welcome you to visit our Facebook page to check out more photos.
Fall is just around the corner, and with it we can look forward to BC’s 2nd Annual Employment Awareness month and our 2nd Annual Employment Celebration in September! More details to come…